The Heidi Chronicles  

Day 1: Meet the Heidle

Day 5: Heidini

Day 8: The Message

Day 12: The Piggy

Week 3: Tag Team

Week 4: Heidi Styles

Week 5: Survivor

Week 6: Pampered

 Week 7: Swell Life

Week 8: The Patriot

Week 9: Rainy Day

Week10: Vacation

Week13: Self Portrait

Week15: Birthday?!

Week17: New Doo

Week22: Fluff

Week28: Fall Beauty

Week29: family biz


Spring Cleaning


Hidden Heidi

Farewell Maya

Introducing Nikita

Snow Puppies



Hey! It's Somebody's Birthday!!!

Well! An e-mail from Charlotte (Heidi's kennel mom) reminds me that today is Heidi's birthday.

Although it's too late to bake a cake, it's a good reason to give our little gal an extra brushing, a treat and a new page on her website.

She has learned a lot in her modest two years on the planet, for example:

Too much barking really bugs our neighbors.

 If you roll over and act cute, you can usually get your belly rubbed even if mommy and daddy are mad.

Just merely existing enables you to get a bucketful of treats throughout the course of the day. (OK, mommy says a handful....But I'm sticking to my story.)

If you let Maya in front while taking pictures, you can make funny gestures behind her back.

Life is cool......



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